The Resources page contains external publications and useful resources and guides. For all Shelter SA specific publications, please click on the Publications tab above. For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander information and links please scroll down this page. For links to Migrant, Refugee and Asylum Seeker assistance websites, please scroll down this page.
External Publications and Resources
- National Inclusionary Zoning Report - Published by National Shelter, this report looks at inclusionary zoning around Australia. Inclusionary zoning is a land use planning intervention that mandates a proportion of new residential developments to include social and affordable housing dwellings. Inclusionary zoning has the potential to significantly increase the supply of affordable housing in Australia if legislated using the recommendations from this National Shelter study.
- The Potential of New Technologies to Disrupt Housing Policy - New research from AHURI (Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute) examines disruptive digital technologies, investigating their potential for reshaping housing markets and reconfiguring housing policy. It provides housing policymakers and practitioners with an understanding of how technology is already restructuring housing markets and affecting housing assistance programs.
- DISRUPTED: The consumer experience of renting in Australia - The latest research from Choice, National Shelter and the National Association of Tenant Organisations (NATO) covers the current challenges and experiences faced by Australia's 2.6 million renters.
- CSB Media Release RAI Adelaide - Rental affordability declines in Adelaide foothills and foreshore; pensioners and young generations are suffering. The release of the Rental Affordability Index (RAI) has found rents in the Adelaide foothills and foreshore are less affordable, with some suburbs paying 30 percent of income on rent - hitting the housing stress threshold, where people experience difficulty paying for primary needs, such as food, air conditioning, medicine and transport.
- Unsettled: Life in Australia's private rental market - Choice, National Shelter and the National Association of Tenant Organisations (NATO) have collaborated to research and publish a 24 page report on what it is like being a tenant in the private rental market. National Shelter's Rental Survey Media Release on the report is also available.
- Energy Partners Program - Helping households manage their energy costs. The Energy Advisory Service also offers free independent information about saving energy in the home.
- Anglicare’s Rental Affordability Snapshot 2016 - The Rental Affordability Snapshot is designed to highlight the lived experience of looking for housing while on a low income.
- “Smart cities wouldn’t let housing costs drive the worse-off into deeper disadvantage” Professor Emma Baker, Professor Andrew Beer and Assoc. Professor Rebecca Bentley have recently completed research and published a paper entitled “Housing affordability and residential mobility as drivers of locational inequality” in The Conversation online newsletter.
- The annual Report on Government Services (2016) - provides information on the equity, effectiveness and efficiency of government services in Australia.
- ‘Affordable SA’ is the Salvation Army and the South Australian Government's free phone app providing a range of information, practical tips and tools to help support households to manage their cost of living.
- Uniting Care Wesley Bowden’s consumer focussed website - is an online Virtual Hub that supports consumers, carers, and professionals working in the mental health and other spheres to access a series of community based resource modules.
- Finding a place to rent - The SA government website provides a useful page with tips on finding a place to rent.
- ABC Fact File on Homelessness – a Fact File on the ABC News website has used AHURI research to create an interactive examination of homelessness in Australia. Access the related research report here: The Structural Drivers of Homelessness in Australia by Professor Gavin Wood, Deb Batterham, Dr. Melek Cigdem and Professor Shelley Mallett.
- National Shelter – Report shows reform options for public housing fail affordability test for tenants. To read both the media release and the report, please click here: National Shelter.
- National Shelter has launched the National Rental Affordability Index in partnership with SGS Economics and Planning and Community Sector Banking. The index is unique and will be updated each quarter to provide an evidence-base for our advocacy work.
- SACAT and SA Gov fact sheets - The SA Government website provides forms and fact sheets for private rental tenancies too and can be accessed here:
- Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS) has recently published its Horizons Research Report, providing additional analysis of the Australian Bureau of Statistics Personal Safety Survey 2012 (PSS) on violence against women in Australia: Additional analysis of the ABS’ Personal Safety Survey, 2012.
- Residential tenancy protection for domestic violence victims. Renting laws changed on 10 December 2015 to provide more options to help victims escape domestic violence – click on the link above to access information about the changes. Apart from providing a wealth of information, the link also includes a useful DV factsheet and contact details for people who may be experiencing domestic violence.
- The AIHW has released its report ‘Specialist Homelessness Services 2014/15’. More than 250,000 Australians accessed specialist homelessness services - to read the report, please click here: AIHW Report.
- Good Practice Guides to Housing-Focussed Support - The Council to Homeless Persons (CHP) has launched its collection of Good Practice Guides to Housing-Focused Support designed for and by the homelessness sector.
- Homes for Homes – The Big Issue. Homes for Homes is designed to help raise an ongoing supply of new funding for social and affordable houses.
- The brief version of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare report is available here: “Australia’s Welfare 2015”.
- AHURI research paper on rooming/boarding houses - looks at policy and practical challenges being encountered in the rooming house/boarding house sector.
- Increasing the supply of affordable housing for low income Australians - AHURI states that the number of affordable rental properties required by low income households has increased significantly, however the private rental market has not kept pace.
- National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness – Funding Extension to 2017. The Abbott government has announced that it will extend homelessness funding for another two years, providing $230 million for the National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness, with priority given to domestic violence services and young homeless people. To read the full story, please click here.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Information
AHURI Report - Indigenous lifeworlds, conditionality and housing outcomes - The Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Indigenous Multi-Year Research Project examines the interaction between conditionalities of housing assistance (e.g. tenancy rules and duties) and Aboriginal lifeworlds (including kinship and social capital), and the effects on achieving sustainable housing outcomes.
A directory of Aboriginal Resources by the South Australian Government.
Migrant, Refugee and Asylum Seeker Information