Housing Matters 22 October

In this edition of Housing Matters, at long last, some rooming houses must be registered and proprietors undertake a fit and proper person test! Read our annual report and see some of the latest media on growing homelessness and lack of government action.

Housing Matters 10 October

In this edition of Housing Matters there is an invitation for you to attend our annual general meeting, we are sharing a recent media interview and our new strategic plan.

Housing Matters 3 September

In Housing Matters this week, read our take on the housing crisis spin and there are two new reports on the dire situation of renters with calls for improvements and greater investment in social housing.

Housing Matters 10 July

There's something about renting in SA! In this week's news update read about average rent increases and see why the regions should have been in the news, as well as our very low vacancy rates. Find out how much you need to earn to buy a house these days and an invitation to contribute to

Housing Matters 27 June

In this week's news update we are taking a look at the new housing Road Map - are we there yet? There's a valley of death coming to the construction industry and no plan in place for short term solutions. On the bright side, a new push for housing to be recognised as a human

Housing Matters 18 June

In this week's news update we ask, how is Shelter SA going? A reflection on funded peak bodies in South Australia, the housing crisis and a call out for businesses to join us! Or make an end of financial year donation today!

Housing Matters 12 June

In this week's news update we are inviting donations for people who would like a tax deduction while they are doing something good! Our take on the State Budget and housing for low income families and an update on residential tenancy bonds online - a new platform that we hope will make life easier for

Housing Matters 30 April

Meet our new Board Members and find out about a fantastic new employment opportunity to coordinate our Homeshare SA service in this week's edition of Housing Matters.

Housing Matters Blog

We are blogging today about a different starting point for our discussions about housing that are not based on assumptions that we should continue to build large expensive houses on expensive land, effectively excluding growing numbers of South Australians from the home ownership market. Read about our modern village concept and what we can learn