

For external publications and resources - please refer to the Resources page via the Publications tab.

Rental Reform Joint Statement

Shelter SA, Uniting Communities, SACOSS, Better Renting and the Anti-Poverty Network have written a Joint Statement on Rental Reform. We need to let members of the South Australian Parliament know that our renting legislation needs urgent improvements to make renting fair. 

July 13th, 2023|Categories: Latest Publications, Publications|

Empty Homes

Read our Empty Homes article (shared with permission from Parity). It is estimated there are almost one million vacant residential properties in Australia - that is more than enough to accommodate every person experiencing homelessness. We look at ways to activate

July 26th, 2021|Categories: Latest Publications, Publications|

Boarding House Information

Shelter SA has launched a new resource for rooming house residents! Residential tenancy law can be confusing and vulnerable renters may not know where to find helpful information. Building on our previous rooming house research and advocacy, Shelter SA has created a consumer friendly

September 22nd, 2020|Categories: Guides, Publications, Resources, Tips|

Measuring Tenant Outcomes Report

On 5 December, 2019, Shelter SA conducted a focus group with tenants of a community housing organisation to hear directly from them about their housing experiences. Shelter SA engages in discussions with tenants to ensure that tenant voices and experiences

June 29th, 2020|Categories: Latest News, Publications|

Annual Report 2019

Our Annual Report for 2018-2019 is now available online. Read the report to find out our achievements over the last Financial Year, the events that we held and view our members and stakeholders.

November 7th, 2019|Categories: Latest News, Publications|

Social Landlord Discussion Paper

How are we being accountable to our tenants today? Our discussion paper explores the issues relating to the transfer of tenancy management from public housing to community housing, highlighting the tensions between being a caring landlord and running a viable

August 14th, 2019|Categories: Latest News, Publications|

Rental Stress on the Rise in South Australia

The Report on Government Services from 2017-18 for the housing and homelessness sectors is here! The three main areas of government involvement in the housing and homelessness sector include social housing services, Specialist Homelessness Services and financial assistance. Shelter SA

March 15th, 2019|Categories: Publications|

Parity Staff Articles

Parity and HousingWORKS published a joint edition on the future of marginal housing in Australia. As we know, the homelessness sector relies on marginal housing as there is simply not enough affordable or public housing to go around. View the

February 5th, 2019|Categories: Publications|

Housing and Health Research Report

Our University of Adelaide student intern, Katherine Lake, focussed her research project around how a lack of safe and affordable housing negatively impacts health for individuals experiencing precarious housing situations. Katherine concluded that affordable, safe, secure and appropriate housing is

December 10th, 2018|Categories: Publications|

2018 Annual Report

Shelter SA’s past year has been a mix of achievements, some staff changes and a new State Government.  The Board’s key objective has been to continue to support our excellent operational team in the pursuit of our strategic plan.  This

October 19th, 2018|Categories: Publications, Uncategorized|

Community Engagement in Planning Research Report

We interviewed developers, architects, State and Local Government representatives and officials, community housing providers and peak bodies. We looked at opportunities for the inclusion of social and affordable housing in South Australia. Shelter SA aims to make a difference by

September 1st, 2018|Categories: Publications|

Submission to the Select Committee on Poverty

Shelter SA made a submission to the Select Committee on Poverty in South Australia, containing a discussion of housing issues and actions that are needed to improve the effects of poverty. the inadequacy of crisis accommodation, the increase in rough

August 2nd, 2018|Categories: Publications|

Shining a Light on the North Workshop Report

Participants at our workshop for people who live and work in Elizabeth discussed key local issues ranging from housing to cultural awareness. It is the State Government’s responsibility to take action on the following solutions arising from this workshop: Housing: More appropriate crisis

July 1st, 2018|Categories: Publications|

Guides for school students

Shelter SA has published a series of resources for school students to learn more about us and our work. Our first two guides cover Shelter SA's role, an explanation of social housing and the difference between public and community housing.

July 1st, 2018|Categories: Publications, Uncategorized|

Reconciliation Action Plan

Shelter SA was the first peak body in South Australia to establish a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). Our newest Plan for 2018-2020 has been formally endorsed by Reconciliation Australia. A RAP is a strategic document that contributes to reconciliation between

June 7th, 2018|Categories: Publications|

Domestic violence prevention

Shelter SA has released a joint summary of our domestic violence prevention versus crisis management research report, and its subsequent workshop report. In line with the recommendations from the two reports published last year, Shelter SA has issued a media

February 7th, 2018|Categories: Publications|

Aboriginal Transitions Housing and Support

Shelter SA wrote an open letter to all South Australian political parties and State election candidates containing key policy asks from our recent workshop which looked at how South Australia houses and supports Aboriginal peoples during times of transition, from

February 1st, 2018|Categories: Publications|

Domestic violence prevention workshop

Shelter SA held a workshop to test the research findings and for service providers to share information about prevention strategies, initiatives and programs that they are delivering to the community.  We’ve produced a workshop report, recommendations, information about the guest

July 7th, 2017|Categories: Publications|

State Budget 2017-2018

Shelter SA welcomes the Targets outlined for social housing in the next financial year, in particular, the revised claims process for Housing SA Bond guarantees to increase protection for private renters. Report

June 23rd, 2017|Categories: Publications|

Private Renter Policy and Advocacy Project

Shelter SA aims to explore the need for and possibility of increasing the private rental tenant resources available in South Australia through increasing its private rental tenant policy and systems advocacy and to look at how we continue to include

June 5th, 2017|Categories: Publications|

Registry Week Methodology

Shelter SA's report compares the strengths and weaknesses of the Street Count with Registry Week methodology and contains recommendations about a way to enhance the rough sleeper data collected and how it is used to advocate for housing solutions for participants.

November 7th, 2016|Categories: Publications|

DV Discussion Paper – Submission

Shelter SA recently wrote to the Office of the Chief Executive, Attorney-General’s Department welcoming the State Government’s Domestic Violence Discussion Paper which calls for policy review and implementation of strategies that seek to reduce the number of people experiencing domestic violence.  Domestic

September 2nd, 2016|Categories: Publications|

Labor’s approach to tax reform

Proposed changes to negative gearing and the capital gains tax discount.  Federal Labor leader Bill Shorten announced the ALP’s intention to introduce changes to both negative gearing and the Capital Gains Tax discount as it applies to residential property (currently

May 8th, 2016|Categories: Publications|

Stephen Marshall’s manifesto

The missing chapter Steven Marshall’s vision for South Australia’s economy, the good health of our citizens and stronger communities in the 2036 Manifesto misses a key foundational element – an affordable place to live.  Shelter SA seeks the inclusion of

March 8th, 2016|Categories: Publications|

Information Sharing Guidelines (ISG)

All relevant Government agencies and Non-Government organisations funded by the South Australian Government who provide services to vulnerable people including adults, children, young people and their families - are now obliged to implement an Information Sharing Guide (ISG).  To successfully implement an

February 8th, 2016|Categories: Publications|

Evaluating Advocacy

Shelter SA has located a credible and reliable tool for evaluating advocacy work which is called The Advocacy Progress Planner (APP).  The APP is an online evaluation tool based on high-quality research by the Aspen Institute.  In support of this

February 8th, 2016|Categories: Publications|

Social Impact Bonds

Shelter SA held a Social Impact Bonds sector consultation in Adelaide on 12 March 2015 with the key aims of the consultation being to: Engage the sector in dialogue and discussion about SIBs; Gauge levels of interest and test levels of knowledge; Identify

November 8th, 2015|Categories: Publications|

Summary reform of the Federation white paper

SA has written a response to the Reform of the Federation White Paper - "Decentralisation - helping or hurting?" This document also includes a link to an opinion piece written by Adrian Pisarski, ED of National Shelter.  Adrian shares his

November 8th, 2015|Categories: Publications|

Summary of “A Reverse Form of Welfarism”

Professor Keith Jacobs University from Tasmania explores the systemic policy issues that are perpetuating the affordable housing crisis and homelessness in Australia. Jacobs argues that the Australian taxation system unfairly favours home-owners, property investors and financial institutions. Shelter SA summary of

November 8th, 2015|Categories: Publications|

SA edition of Parity magazine

Shelter SA submitted several articles to the SA edition of the November 2015 Parity magazine. We’d like to acknowledge and thank CHP and the editors of Parity Magazine for allowing us to share these articles with you. House for Rent

November 8th, 2015|Categories: Publications|

More Shelter SA Publications