For external publications and resources - please refer to the Resources page via the Publications tab.
Supported Residential Facility Resident Consultation Report
Shelter SA was contracted to consult with Supported Residential Facility residents by the SRF Association, in light of a review of the legislation that governs SRFs by the State Government. Read the Shelter SA SRF Resident Consultation Final Report
Moving On 2024
Read our latest renting research about how tenancies end in the private rental market in the Moving On 2024 report. There are some interesting comparisons with the all-time survey results on evictions, rent bidding, and rent increases.
Parliamentary Inquiry A Human Rights Act for South Australia
Download the Shelter-SA-Housing-is-a-Human-Right submission to the South Australian Parliament’s Social Development Committee Inquiry into the potential for a Human Rights Act for South Australia.
Greater Regional Adelaide Plan Submission
Shelter SA was pleased to participate in the Greater Adelaide Regional Plan review and you can read the Shelter SA Greater Adelaide Regional Plan Submission here. We encourage our members and stakeholders to endorse our submission by emailing the review team
National Housing & Homelessness Plan Submissions
Shelter SA supports the joint submission by National Shelter and the Community Housing Industry Association and provided additional information in the Shelter SA National Housing and Homelessness Plan Submission.
A Modern Village Concept
Read more about our Modern Village Concept including why it is needed to restore fair access to home ownership, promoting alternative ways of adding to housing supply that is affordable for people living on low incomes.
Shelter SA Submission – Federal Inquiry into the Worsening Rental Crisis
You can read the Shelter SA submission to the Inquiry into the Worsening Rental Crisis to inform your own submission - please feel free to cut and paste, personalise with your own experiences and issues and share with your friends
Rental Reform Joint Statement
Shelter SA, Uniting Communities, SACOSS, Better Renting and the Anti-Poverty Network have written a Joint Statement on Rental Reform. We need to let members of the South Australian Parliament know that our renting legislation needs urgent improvements to make renting fair.
Housing & Homelessness Information & Assistance
This Shelter SA resource on Housing Information provides a summary of all the services and organisations that are available to assist South Australians with their housing issues and homelessness.
Shelter SA Submission – Inquiry into South Australian Housing Availability
Here is the Shelter SA Submission to the Economic & Finance Committee Parliamentary Inquiry into Housing Availability. You are welcome to endorse our submission or use it to inform your own.
Moving On 2022
Find out how tenancies end in South Australia by reading the new 2022 Moving On report, shedding light on evictions, the non-renewal of leases, bonds, the effects of the pandemic on renting and more! This report is the latest analysis of
Residential Tenancies Act Review
The Residential Tenancies Act is now under review in South Australia. We are encouraging South Australians to get involved through sharing the Shelter SA submission to assist people and organisations to participate in the consultation, write submissions and take the
Shelter SA Election Platform
Shelter SA is employing the same method we successfully applied prior to the 2018 South Australian election to seek commitments from our political parties and independents prior to the 2022 election. We have developed an Election Platform containing funding and
Empty Homes
Read our Empty Homes article (shared with permission from Parity). It is estimated there are almost one million vacant residential properties in Australia - that is more than enough to accommodate every person experiencing homelessness. We look at ways to activate
Living in the Shadows
Read our article discussing rooming houses in South Australia Living in the Shadows (shared with permission from Parity).
Shelter SA Election Platform 2022
Shelter SA is preparing election asks in this election year 2021, ahead of the South Australian election in March 2022. Read the draft Shelter SA Election Platform 2022 and see the invitation to come along to our launch on 9 June.
Moving On 2021
The Shelter Moving On report is launched today! The first ever report shines a light on the experiences of private rental tenants, landlords and property managers across Australia to create a picture of how tenancies end in the private rental
Empty Homes in the City of Adelaide Report
Read our Shelter SA Empty Homes Project Report the latest research looking at empty homes in the City of Adelaide. There are enough empty homes, including student and tourist accommodation, to house everyone who is experiencing homelessness. Recommendations include collecting
Evicted! The New Survey Tracking Evictions, Bonds and More!
Our Executive Director, Alice, wrote an article for Parity Magazine, produced by Council to Homeless Persons (Victoria) and kindly reproduced here with their permission. In this article we highlight the release of our "Moving On" survey, which has now gone
Rooming Houses in South Australia: An Update
In 2017, Shelter SA conducted a review of the rooming house sector and now provides an updated report looking at the lack of progress in relation to earlier recommendations and our recent interactions with rooming house owners.
What happens to your bond when you move out of a private rental?
This paper will describe the current residential tenancy bonds system and the issues related to it that raise questions about improvements and areas for further research as well as actions and recommendations for change.
Boarding House Information
Shelter SA has launched a new resource for rooming house residents! Residential tenancy law can be confusing and vulnerable renters may not know where to find helpful information. Building on our previous rooming house research and advocacy, Shelter SA has created a consumer friendly
An Outcomes-Based Framework for Specialist Homelessness Services in South Australia
The old adage, ‘what you measure is what you get’, is true and it couldn’t be more important to get it right in South Australia’s specialist homelessness service system. The current State Government has committed to transitioning to an outcomes-based
Measuring Tenant Outcomes Report
On 5 December, 2019, Shelter SA conducted a focus group with tenants of a community housing organisation to hear directly from them about their housing experiences. Shelter SA engages in discussions with tenants to ensure that tenant voices and experiences
Homelessness Roundtables Discussion Paper
From time to time Shelter SA attends housing and homelessness roundtable meetings to keep in touch with workers from the sector and current issues occurring at the coalface. We aim to assist the roundtables with systemic advocacy and strategic activities.
Learning from the Glasgow approach to homelessness
Recently, we've heard the State Government regularly mention Glasgow, Scotland as a leading example when speaking about the current homelessness sector reform in South Australia. After delving into Glasgow's approach, Shelter SA discovered some interesting comparisons, including two things the
Coober Pedy Housing and Homelessness Roundtable
As part of our Regional Engagement Strategy, and commitment to visit at least two regional and rural areas per year, Shelter SA planned and held a roundtable with people who live and work in Coober Pedy. The aim of the
Annual Report 2019
Our Annual Report for 2018-2019 is now available online. Read the report to find out our achievements over the last Financial Year, the events that we held and view our members and stakeholders.
Social Landlord Discussion Paper
How are we being accountable to our tenants today? Our discussion paper explores the issues relating to the transfer of tenancy management from public housing to community housing, highlighting the tensions between being a caring landlord and running a viable
Housing Solutions in the Adelaide Hills Region
As part of our Regional Engagement Strategy, and commitment to visit at least two regional and rural areas per year, Shelter SA planned and held a workshop with people who live and work in the Adelaide Hills. The aim of
A Guide to the Housing and Homelessness Strategy
The South Australian Government is developing a Housing and Homelessness Strategy for the State. They are currently seeking input from the public, and we encourage you to take the short survey to have your say on future plans for housing
Shelter SA Position Statement on Residential Tenancies Act (1995)
A number of tenant unions and tenant advocates across Australia, in conjunction with major political parties, are currently reviewing the tenancy laws within their jurisdictions in order to #MakeRentingFair. Some of the key issues being considered are the removal of
Knee Jerk Reactions and Myopia in Aged Care Policy
It’s great to hear our Federal and State parliamentary leaders publicly state their commitment to better protecting vulnerable people living in residential aged care from being abused, proposing that the $500,000 CCTV trial in residential aged care will give greater
Responding to Children in Juvenile Justice Centres in South Australia
The Commissioner for Children and Young people invited us to submit a case study on an issue that we see facing children and young people. Shelter SA highlighted young people exiting juvenile justice centres, a small but extremely vulnerable cohort.
Housing in the Barossa Valley Region
Shelter SA staff looked at the most recent statistics on housing and homelessness in the Barossa Valley region.
Regional Crisis Accommodation and Young People Opinion Piece
Our Executive Director, Dr Alice Clark, wrote an opinion piece for Parity magazine, a Council to Homeless Persons national publication. Her piece covers some of the challenges faced by regional children and young people in terms of housing. Shelter SA
#PositivePetPolicy in South Australia
Private renters should be allowed to bring pets into their homes. Pets are a very important part of people’s lives, and there are undeniable links between pets and good mental health. More than two-thirds of Australian households own pets and
Improving Access to Housing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Renal Patients
Stefanie Puszka from the Deeble Institute for Health Policy Research explains why Aboriginal renal patients living in regional and remote communities are at a high risk of experiencing homelessness, and she provides several housing policy recommendations for consideration. Read the
“I am tired of being treated like a second-class citizen!” Racial Discrimination in the Private Rental Market
South Australia is desperately lacking research on barriers in the private rental market for Aboriginal peoples. Shelter SA published a research paper based on the survey findings, focussing on Aboriginal peoples’ experience in the private rental market, and the challenges
People in Short-Term or Emergency Accommodation Report Summary
The Australasian Institute of Health and Welfare Report on People in Short-Term or Emergency Accommodation: A Profile of Specialist Homelessness Services Clients presents a comprehensive analysis of people experiencing homelessness in Australia. Read the Shelter SA summary.
Rental Stress on the Rise in South Australia
The Report on Government Services from 2017-18 for the housing and homelessness sectors is here! The three main areas of government involvement in the housing and homelessness sector include social housing services, Specialist Homelessness Services and financial assistance. Shelter SA
Specialist Homelessness Services Annual Report 2017-18: Research Summary
The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare released its seventh annual report from the Specialist Homelessness Services Collection, detailing the characteristics of clients of Specialist Homelessness Services, the services requested, outcomes achieved, and unmet requests for services during 2017-18. While
Premier Marshall Listens to Community Voices on Aboriginal Affairs!
Back in 2017, Shelter SA held a workshop focussing on 'transitions' to capture what works well for Aboriginal peoples at the times they are leaving institutions and returning to their families, communities or other support networks. Shelter SA wrote to
Parity Staff Articles
Parity and HousingWORKS published a joint edition on the future of marginal housing in Australia. As we know, the homelessness sector relies on marginal housing as there is simply not enough affordable or public housing to go around. View the
Housing and Health Research Report
Our University of Adelaide student intern, Katherine Lake, focussed her research project around how a lack of safe and affordable housing negatively impacts health for individuals experiencing precarious housing situations. Katherine concluded that affordable, safe, secure and appropriate housing is
South Australian Housing Trust Triennial Review
The review of the South Australian Housing Trust (SAHT) reflects on the activities and performance of the SAHT over the period of 2013-14 to 2016-17. The review was conducted to provide an understanding of the current performance of the South
2018 Annual Report
Shelter SA’s past year has been a mix of achievements, some staff changes and a new State Government. The Board’s key objective has been to continue to support our excellent operational team in the pursuit of our strategic plan. This
Community Engagement in Planning Research Report
We interviewed developers, architects, State and Local Government representatives and officials, community housing providers and peak bodies. We looked at opportunities for the inclusion of social and affordable housing in South Australia. Shelter SA aims to make a difference by
Radio interview
Housing Cash Trail with Michael Lennon
Blue Sky Thinking, Housing Solutions in the Southern Fleurieu
As part of our regional engagement strategy, Shelter SA held a workshop in July that brought together people from the Southern Fleurieu area to think laterally, discuss innovative ideas and develop solutions to housing issues in the region. Report Media
Blue Sky Thinking, Housing Solutions in Mount Gambier
Shelter SA held a workshop in August to identify what Mount Gambier needs more of in terms of housing. We used our "blue sky thinking" method, encouraging attendees to think of positive housing solutions to help solve problems unique to
Parity Article – Learning from the Past, Looking into the Future
We are currently seeing a spike in older women needing assistance with the affordability and security of their housing, homelessness and the costs of living. With the working conditions, women experienced years ago, lower wages, time off for raising children and no superannuation, it is
Submission to the Select Committee on Poverty
Shelter SA made a submission to the Select Committee on Poverty in South Australia, containing a discussion of housing issues and actions that are needed to improve the effects of poverty. the inadequacy of crisis accommodation, the increase in rough
South Australia ‐ Rebuilding private renter policy and advocacy services
A recently published Shelter SA report “Rebuilding private renter policy and advocacy services” uncovers how South Australia stacks up when it comes to tenant organisations, how they are funded, and how we could improve what is offered in South Australia.
Shining a Light on the North Workshop Report
Participants at our workshop for people who live and work in Elizabeth discussed key local issues ranging from housing to cultural awareness. It is the State Government’s responsibility to take action on the following solutions arising from this workshop: Housing: More appropriate crisis
Guides for school students
Shelter SA has published a series of resources for school students to learn more about us and our work. Our first two guides cover Shelter SA's role, an explanation of social housing and the difference between public and community housing.
Regional Engagement Strategy Consultations
The Shelter SA team has visited the Riverland, Port Augusta and Port Lincoln to consult with government and non-government housing and homelessness workers to discuss the challenges unique to the regions. The objective of the Regional Engagement Strategy consultations is
Reconciliation Action Plan
Shelter SA was the first peak body in South Australia to establish a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). Our newest Plan for 2018-2020 has been formally endorsed by Reconciliation Australia. A RAP is a strategic document that contributes to reconciliation between
Housing and health for people from refugee and asylum seeking backgrounds
The report ‘Belonging begins at home: Housing, social inclusion and health and wellbeing for people from refugee and asylum-seeking backgrounds’ was developed by Flinders University in partnership with Shelter SA, AnglicareSA, Baptist Care SA, and the Australian Refugee Association. The
ABS Census of population and housing: estimating homelessness 2016
The Australian Bureau of Statistics estimates the prevalence of homelessness and the characteristics and living arrangements of people experiencing homelessness on Census night 2016, comparing those estimates to 2011, 2006 and 2001. Shelter SA has waded through the data and pulled out the key South Australian
Domestic violence prevention
Shelter SA has released a joint summary of our domestic violence prevention versus crisis management research report, and its subsequent workshop report. In line with the recommendations from the two reports published last year, Shelter SA has issued a media
Aboriginal Transitions Housing and Support
Shelter SA wrote an open letter to all South Australian political parties and State election candidates containing key policy asks from our recent workshop which looked at how South Australia houses and supports Aboriginal peoples during times of transition, from
Domestic violence prevention workshop
Shelter SA held a workshop to test the research findings and for service providers to share information about prevention strategies, initiatives and programs that they are delivering to the community. We’ve produced a workshop report, recommendations, information about the guest
DV in SA prevention vs crisis management policies legislation and service delivery
Written by Sorcha Walshe, University of Adelaide student intern whose project involved research into primary prevention of domestic violence (DV) in South Australia examining the policy, legislation and service delivery associated with domestic violence in this State - given that
State Budget 2017-2018
Shelter SA welcomes the Targets outlined for social housing in the next financial year, in particular, the revised claims process for Housing SA Bond guarantees to increase protection for private renters. Report
Private Renter Policy and Advocacy Project
Shelter SA aims to explore the need for and possibility of increasing the private rental tenant resources available in South Australia through increasing its private rental tenant policy and systems advocacy and to look at how we continue to include
The End of the Road for profit rooming houses
Shelter SA has been working on a project over the past year focused on the operation of for-profit rooming houses. This is the first methodical study of the rooming house sector in South Australia since 2003. This project was instigated
Growing number of rough sleepers discussed in State Parliament
Shelter SA has extracted the relevant material from the Parliament of South Australia Hansard for June 08 2016 where the Minister for Social Housing, Zoe Bettison, was questioned about the government's homelessness strategy. 160608 Hansard Homelessness
Registry Week Methodology
Shelter SA's report compares the strengths and weaknesses of the Street Count with Registry Week methodology and contains recommendations about a way to enhance the rough sleeper data collected and how it is used to advocate for housing solutions for participants.
DV Discussion Paper – Submission
Shelter SA recently wrote to the Office of the Chief Executive, Attorney-General’s Department welcoming the State Government’s Domestic Violence Discussion Paper which calls for policy review and implementation of strategies that seek to reduce the number of people experiencing domestic violence. Domestic
Responding to children in Juvenile Justice Centres in SA
Shelter SA understands that the safety of vulnerable children is much more than housing them safely. Based on our Regional Consultations we have initiated a working group consisting of peak bodies and community leaders to drive a renewed approach to
Regional Engagement Strategy – including Homeless 2 Home Data
Under the National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness, all specialist homelessness agencies in South Australia are required to use the Homeless 2 Home (H2H) client and case management system. The system tracks demographic, needs and exit information about clients who present
Labor’s approach to tax reform
Proposed changes to negative gearing and the capital gains tax discount. Federal Labor leader Bill Shorten announced the ALP’s intention to introduce changes to both negative gearing and the Capital Gains Tax discount as it applies to residential property (currently
National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness (NPAH) 2017
Shelter SA wrote to Minister Christian Porter in relation to the Federal Social Services portfolio seeking confirmation that no interruption to the National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness (NPAH) will occur due to the 2017 Federal election. Shelter SA also invited signatories
Stephen Marshall’s manifesto
The missing chapter Steven Marshall’s vision for South Australia’s economy, the good health of our citizens and stronger communities in the 2036 Manifesto misses a key foundational element – an affordable place to live. Shelter SA seeks the inclusion of
Information Sharing Guidelines (ISG)
All relevant Government agencies and Non-Government organisations funded by the South Australian Government who provide services to vulnerable people including adults, children, young people and their families - are now obliged to implement an Information Sharing Guide (ISG). To successfully implement an
Evaluating Advocacy
Shelter SA has located a credible and reliable tool for evaluating advocacy work which is called The Advocacy Progress Planner (APP). The APP is an online evaluation tool based on high-quality research by the Aspen Institute. In support of this
Report on housing issues facing South Australia’s older population
Shelter SA’s new report, Housing Boomers - a report on housing issues facing South Australia’s older population, addresses housing for older people on two primary levels; housing stress and homelessness. The report also addresses specific issues such as personal, structural,
Social Impact Bonds
Shelter SA held a Social Impact Bonds sector consultation in Adelaide on 12 March 2015 with the key aims of the consultation being to: Engage the sector in dialogue and discussion about SIBs; Gauge levels of interest and test levels of knowledge; Identify
Summary reform of the Federation white paper
SA has written a response to the Reform of the Federation White Paper - "Decentralisation - helping or hurting?" This document also includes a link to an opinion piece written by Adrian Pisarski, ED of National Shelter. Adrian shares his
Summary of “A Reverse Form of Welfarism”
Professor Keith Jacobs University from Tasmania explores the systemic policy issues that are perpetuating the affordable housing crisis and homelessness in Australia. Jacobs argues that the Australian taxation system unfairly favours home-owners, property investors and financial institutions. Shelter SA summary of
SA edition of Parity magazine
Shelter SA submitted several articles to the SA edition of the November 2015 Parity magazine. We’d like to acknowledge and thank CHP and the editors of Parity Magazine for allowing us to share these articles with you. House for Rent
Submission Letter regarding Proposed Repeal of S18C Racial Discrimination Act
Shelter SA is extremely concerned that the repeal of section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act will increase the negative impact of discrimination and racism on CALD and Aboriginal peoples’ ability to access housing by making racist language lawfully acceptable,
More Shelter SA Publications
- #NewGifts Launch - Shelter SA is excited to launch our #NewGifts campaign in the lead up to this year's Homeless Connect Expo. To read about the Launch please click here: #NewGifts Launch.
- National Rental Affordability Index (RAI) June 2016 - The unique quarterly Index provides an evidence-base for our advocacy work. Please click here for this edition: Rental Affordability Index June 2016. In support of the RAI, National Shelter also provided its media release – Australians falling into poverty as rents chew up incomes along with Shelter SA's media release entitled Housing crisis continues to unfold in South Australia.
- National Rental Affordability Index launch - Launched by National Shelter in partnership with SGS Economics and Planning and Community Sector Banking. The index is unique and will be updated each quarter to provide an evidence-base for our advocacy work. Here is the link to the media release and the report: . We have produced a short video of a real life story from a person living in housing stress, which can be accessed and viewed here also for sharing.
- Federal Labor's response to the Vote Home campaign - Read the letter here: ALP - A National Affordability Housing Strategy
- Homeless Connect - Homelessness, Health and Housing Expo 2015 report - approximately 450 homeless people, people at risk of homelessness and people wanting to find out more about homelessness issues attended this event. To read the short report and view the video, please click here: 2015 Expo Report and Shelter SA 2015 Homelessness Connect Expo - a You Tube Video seen through the eyes of a first time attendee.
- Shelter SA Research Roundup 2015 Housing policy capture and busy work in Australia - “Summary Supply, Demand, and Getting Busy”.
- Shelter SA You Tube video Housing Chatter 2015 showcases the work of Junction Australia, meet the CEO Mr. Graham Brown.
- Pursuit of Private Rental for Asylum Seekers and Refugees 2015 Focusses on refugees and asylum seekers and the barriers they face in their pursuit of private rental property in South Australia by Dorcas Wong, University of Adelaide student intern
- SIBS Opportunities and Challenges 2014 Explores the realm of social impact bonds and how they can be implemented in the homelessness sector by Cassie Edwards, University of Adelaide student intern
- Shelter SA Radio Show Report 2015 Shelter SA conducted an evaluation exercise to gauge external satisfaction with the Housing Matters radio program and the reach of the show. The results are presented in this report.
- What is the Value of Shelter SA 2014 Showcases some of the activities Shelter SA has held and hear about what some of our stakeholders have said about the value of Shelter SA.
- Shelter SA Homeless Connect Expo 2014 Watch our You Tube video which shows highlights from Shelter SA’s Homeless Connect: Homelessness, Health and Housing Expo 2014.
- Shelter SA submission to ABS Information Paper 2014 Shelter SA formulated a submission to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) in relation to the definition of homelessness from the perspective of Aboriginal people. Some of the specific points Shelter SA made in our submission were taken up in the ABS response.
- Can iHelp? Report 2013 Technological assistance for young people at risk of homelessness by Sean Sheehy, University of Adelaide student intern
- Shelter SA Residential Parks ATO Draft Ruling 2013
- We are as happy as Larrys - A Discussion with Community Housing Tenants 2013
- Shelter SA SACCHT Submission Final 2012
- Shelter SA Submission An Affordable Place to Live 2012
- The Objectified Person is Seen But Does Not See Conference Paper from the 6th Australasian Housing Researchers Conference 2012
- Private Voices Public Issues - A Discussion Paper 2012
- Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill 2012
- Critique of Submissions to the Review of the Residential Tenancies Act 2012
- Shelter SA Report - Understanding Housing Affordability by Victoria Thomas, 2012 Shelter SA University of Adelaide student intern
- Comparing Domestic NGO's & International NGO's Poster by Hiranya Ekanayake, University of Adelaide student intern
- Shelter SA Submission to public consultation on the Housing Improvement Bill 2012
- Review of the Residential Tenancies Act 2012
- Response to the Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill 2012
- Review of SA Housing Strategy Green Paper Submissions 2012
- Shelter SA When You Don't Know Where You're Going 2012 FINAL
- SA Housing Strategy Green Paper 2011