Moving On
How do private rental tenancies end?
We are calling all renters, landlords and property managers - please take our three-minute survey about the end of a tenancy and share on your socials!
This survey is for all South Australian private rentals covered by residential tenancy laws including privately owned properties, community housing and public housing. It is voluntary and completely anonymous!
There is no publicly available data that tracks rental evictions or bond refunds, it is not known why tenants move and more than half of all tenancy bonds are claimed. Shelter SA has developed this survey to shed light on renting in Australia.
Shelter SA is hosting this work, is recognised as a member of the National Association of Tenant Organisations and is one of the only organisations consistently advocating to improve the rental system in South Australia. Take a look at our Make Renting Fair campaign and other Make Renting Fair campaigns across Australia.
We have developed this survey so we can share information about the rental market and advocate for improvements to rental laws and systems. We will publish the results in a report every year so that we can track trends and changes and inform the public. We are also interested in the effect of the pandemic on renting.
We thank Consumer and Business Services in South Australia who included a link to our survey in their September update to help us reach the right people and the REA Group for sharing with their subscribers.
Shelter SA has no State Government funding so you can help us in a couple of ways and support the rental exit survey. Please join Shelter SA as a member, donate what you can to this project and subscribe to our mailing list for free. We are looking for a corporate sponsor for the publication of the report and if you are interested please contact us at [email protected].
Shelter SA has Deductible Gift Recipient status, which means any donation you make over $2 is tax deductible.